Streetbased Inc. is a cryptocurrency-based finance company founded in Niko's hometown, San Bernardino. Although the company had already established most of their branding, they requested Niko's expertise in creating graphics to pitch their Community Rewards Card and eventual banking card to potential investors. Additionally, they wanted to create a collector's box for their members. 
However, during the Black Lives Matter movement of 2019, the company's focus shifted to better understand and support their community. Niko worked with Streetbased Inc. to create posters that could be handed out to local businesses struggling during the difficult times. These posters aimed to promote awareness and understanding of the underlying issues driving the movement. Despite the company's initial request for graphic design assistance, Niko helped them stay true to their values by shifting the focus to community outreach and support.
The initial mockup of the Community Discount Card, later reworked to be the Community Rewards Card.
Several color variants were requested of the same design showcasing the new Community Rewards Card.
An introductory poster for the new Community Rewards Card that was to be pitched to investors, businesses, and local creatives.
A mockup of the unofficial banking card of Streetbased Inc.
A first-look graphic of the official Streetbased merch with a hint to the collectors box in the background.
These posters were sent out to local businesses in the community during the protests that occurred in 2019.

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